About the CROSQ Quality Infrastructure Database
The CROSQ Quality Infrastructure Database provides a central location for businesses, manufacturers, testing laboratories, metrology institutions, quality professionals and accreditation bodies to find services and other industry participants. You can start by using the search tool above. Choose your search type then select your criteria to see a list of results.
No. of Labs
No. of Professionals
No. of Certification Bodies
No. of NMIs
No. of Inspection Bodies

For Accreditation Bodies
Assist Accreditation Bodies to identify the capacity they need to develop and assess services for accreditation such as proficiency testing and training. It will also allow stakeholders to identify opportunities for partnerships or funding.

For Testing Laboratories
Promote the scope of services provided and identify opportunities where capacity development can be undertaken such as the development of inter-laboratory comparison programmes for laboratories performing similar tests.

For Metrology Institutions
Provide information about their status of metrological traceability and international recognition and identify other institutions within CARIFORUM who can be referred to if capability does not exist nationally or for consultation.

Certification Bodies
Provides information on certification services available in the CARICOMregion. This further highlights the measure of the Quality Infrastructure (QI) competence withing the named region.

Inspection Bodies
Demonstration of accredited inspection competence and scope available in the CARICOM region.
Find information on NMIs and Testing Laboratories and their capability to calibrate or test your instruments or materials. Also, get information about which services are accredited and recognised.
QI Professionals
Provides a way for professionals to promote their services as well as provide stakeholders direct access to the QI professionals; allowing for opportunities for training, research and project development.
Quickly access information about the range of health related tests which can be performed by various testing laboratories in the region and subscribe to updates about the development of QI and related news.